EURAFeDaC static site - Addresses management

Figure 1 : FMPConverter Start-up screen
This screen shows the FMP input fields sequence

A) Indices:
these indices may be automatically generated:
3+2) Categories, then Acronyms (one level hierarchy);
3) Cities;
2) Persons (index);
5) Acronyms Because of the specificity of the above indices, the corresponding fields (2, 3, and 5) should contain ad hoc data.
Other data will produce strange results.

B) Tables:
A tabulated output is automatically generated for data contained in these fields:
5+7) Acronym + Denomination;
8) Person-address;
6) Position; 9) Address.
When the tabulation occurs on repetitive fields, the correspondance is selected from the subfields depending on the country (i.e. German association name when the federation is located in Germany).

Both indices and tables represent facultative features.

Date created February 8, 2000. Table of contents | Frame me!