EURAFeDaC site - frames and JavaScript environment

Figure 1 : Work files for a framed layout
The Intranet site reception environment for a framed layout contains the mentioned files.

  • framesTop.html represents the top file for the browser;
  • CTRL (control folder) contains the GIFs for the navigation bar file (buttonContents.html);
  • empty.html fills the appearing frames with the desired background color before that the index and description files appear;
  • JavaScripts are mainly located in these files:
    - buttonsContents.html
    - framesTop.html
    - bodyContents.html
    - pFEDEE/FEDET0000.html

    Note: This fedeSite represents a sand-alone site. It works cross-platform either locally or via a Web server.

  • Date created November 18, 1998 - updated July 5, 2000. Table of contents | Frame me!